Jornadas Analiza

Analiza stages 3rd Laboratory-based and Clinical Biomedicine conference

On 20 September, the Hotel AC Palacio de Santa Paula played host to Analiza’s 3rd conference on laboratory-based and clinical biomedicine. Sponsored by Asisa and the Hospital HLA Inmaculada de Granada, the event was attended by many healthcare professionals.

Dr Francisco Martí, representing the Hospital HLA Inmaculada, Dr Juan Rodríguez, Medical Director of Analiza in Granada, Mr Juan Antonio Gutiérrez-Lemos, Deputy Regional Director of Asisa and Dr Antonio M. Ballesta, Medical Director of Analiza, accompanied Ms Nuria Martín Gil, CEO of Analiza, who chaired the event and underlined the company’s commitment to sharing knowledge that has been part of its mission since the very outset.

Coinciding with the week of World Alzheimer’s Day, Analiza worked alongside Dr José López-Barneo, Professor at the University of Seville, Director of the Seville Biomedicine Institute and member of the Royal Academy of Surgery in Seville, to underline the relationship between neurodegenerative diseases and the ageing of the population, describing them as generally chronic and very disabling diseases which still have no cure.

Dr López-Barneo, presented by Dr Federico Garrido Torres-Puchol, Professor of Immunology at the University of Granada, said that around 180 million people worldwide are estimated to suffer from this disease by 2050 unless there is further research into finding more precise screening methods, biomarker monitoring and new treatments.

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