health management

Analiza collaborates in the training of the III diploma of health management and health policies

Organised by the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid, the Institute of Public Health of the Andrés Bello University of Chile and with the collaboration of the Aula de Estudios Avanzados of the Tejerina Foundation, training has taken place to obtain the III Diploma in Health Management and Health Policies, directed, as in previous editions, by the Professor Fernando Bandrés, Dr. Héctor Sánchez and Dr. Armando Tejerina.

The students visited the Moncloa University Hospital, part of the HLA Group, where Dr. María Tormo, Director of Planning and Development at ASISA, chaired the working group which dealt with various topics such as the HLA Group management model, hospital concessions and the management of human potential. Likewise, Nuria Martín Gil, CEO of Analiza, presented the company’s integral diagnostic model and how Analiza has become the most complete provider of diagnostic tests in the sector, adding Clinical Analysis, Pathology, Molecular Biology and Genetics and Image Diagnosis to the service.

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