analiza covid viajes

InterMundial and Analiza provide the Health Plan for fulfilling new requirements on cruises

Through the partnership with one of the main hospital groups in the country, the leading health insurance company and network of laboratories Analiza, InterMundial offers a unique solution for adapting to the measures required by the Resolution of the Directorate General of the Merchant Navy which allows the reactivation of cruises in Spain from the 7th of June.

From the 7th of June, international cruises may once again dock in Spain. To do so, passenger cruise ships must comply with a series of health measures and requirements published in the Official State Bulletin in the Resolution of the 27th of May 2021, by the Directorate General of the Merchant Navy.

InterMundial, a specialist in travel insurance with over 25 years of experience, has designed a special Health Plan to address the concerns of the cruise sector and help it adapt to the requirements of the new regulation. In this way, InterMundial offers shipping companies a complete insurance solution which will allow them to adopt measures for prevention, containment and coordination against the health crisis.


Plan of health measures

The Royal Decree requires international cruises to have a complete plan for prevention and mitigation of potential health risks derived from COVID-19. Therefore, operators must now protect themselves before the start of a cruise. To fulfil these new requirements which must be complied with at all Spanish ports of the itinerary, InterMundial offers a package of health measures which include the following in a single insurance contract:

  • Agreements with health centres which guarantee all needs of patients diagnosed with COVID-19, as well as their appropriate treatment and monitoring.
  • Complete medical assistance, including COVID-19 guarantees.
  • Undertaking diagnostic tests for COVID-19.
  • Coverage for accommodation and transfers which may arise, including transport from the ship to the health centre or establishment agreed, from the accommodation or hospital to the ship, from the ship to the airport and air transport.
  • Repatriation of travelling patients and/or the deceased, as well as changes of crew which are necessary.


Strategic partnership for a comprehensive solution

The new Health Plan that InterMundial offers operators will allow the quick adaptation to protocols before the 7th of June, as through a single insurance solution they will be able to comply with all new health requirements and measures necessary.

Thus, all cruises which intend to make international journeys visiting Spanish ports now have a tool for the prevention of any health emergency due to COVID-19, made possible thanks to an ambitious partnership between travel insurance specialist InterMundial and one of the main hospital groups in Spain, along with the leading health insurance company and network of laboratories Analiza.

Manuel López, CEO of Grupo InterMundial, wished to highlight that “this Health Plan we are offering shipping companies has been possible thanks to intense teamwork in which all partners have worked with a single objective in mind: providing the tool necessary for helping cruise companies to reactivate the sector”.

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