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Dr. Rodolfo Lujan wins the 2021 HLA Santa Isabel Award

Dr. Rodolfo Luján Marca, Technical Manager and Microbiologist of the Analiza HLA Moncloa Laboratory, Analiza’s Central Laboratory in Spain, has been one of the recipients of the 2021 HLA Santa Isabel Award for the work he has carried out in conjunction with the entire Laboratory team in the management of the fight against COVID-19.

The event, held at the Teatro Real in Madrid, was attended by the Minister of Health of the Madrid Regional Government, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, the President of the ASISA Group insurance company, Dr. Francisco Ivorra, as well as Dr. Gregorio Medina Velasco, Director of Lavinia-ASISA and Chairman of the Board of Directors of HLA Santa Isabel.

Interview with Dr. Lujan:

 What does this award mean to you?

It gives me great pride and satisfaction to have been awarded, by the Lavinia_ASISA Governing Council, the 2021 HLA Santa Isabel Award in the category “Recognition of ASISA Group professionals who have collaborated in the management of the pandemic”.

In the words of Dr Francisco Ivorra, President of ASISA, they have recognised, in my person and in that of other colleagues, all the employees of the ASISA Group, and therefore also the entire ANALIZA team.

The 2021 HLA Santa Isabel Award is in recognition of the commitment and dedication of all the company’s staff.

I am very proud of them all, each in their own position of responsibility; from our President, CEO, Operations Management, Purchasing Department, HR and other departments; as well as the administrative, technical, medical and cleaning staff. I am lost for words to thank them all. Special mention must be made of all our colleagues in the ANALIZA HLA Moncloa Hospital Central Laboratory, the nerve centre of analytical activity throughout the pandemic, who, together with the entire staff of the hospital, have worked in unison like a symphony orchestra. They have performed their work tirelessly and with the utmost dedication in a very delicate, high-risk and long-lasting situation.

It has been an immense challenge from a technical and human point of view. In the case of my speciality, Clinical Microbiology, I believe that a pandemic like the one we are experiencing is the greatest challenge we have faced as microbiologists in our generation. Despite all the difficulties, it has been very gratifying to be able to apply our knowledge and efforts to help our fellow clinicians by doing our bit in this battle. That is why this award is so significant and important.


How has the interaction between Analiza’s central laboratory and other company laboratories been?

Our colleagues in the various laboratories managed by Analiza in the different autonomous regions have also worked tirelessly and with total commitment. We have worked in a coordinated way, applying the latest technology that Analiza has provided us with, learning day by day and supporting each other; offering our patients PCR and serology results with great speed and quality, in addition to the analyses that are routinely carried out in our laboratories.

It has been a supreme effort on the part of all the teams and led with great discernment by the technical managers of each of the laboratories.


What has the laboratory contributed and how has it interacted with other departments of the hospital?

Each and every department has played a key role in the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. For example, from the very outset, the Medical Director of Moncloa Hospital set up a daily monitoring committee in which all departmental managers participated. Each one reported on everything related to their speciality. I have had the honour and professional satisfaction of being part of the committee on behalf of the laboratory from the very first day. This interaction between all the departments has been vital in order to be able to confront the pandemic effectively.


It has been a very difficult time; what would you say has been the hardest part of the job?

Working in the hospital, the daily contact with health professionals made you aware of the harshness of this disease firsthand. Many people have died, including some of our colleagues.

In the early days, there was fear, it cannot be denied. Not much was known about the virus. But in spite of this, many people did not duck out; they took personal risks. This is where the human and professional qualities of all of them have been demonstrated.

This attitude can be fully extended to all the professionals who make up the Analiza team.


Teamwork has been a key factor. What would you highlight about your team?

 Courage, hard work, persistence, tenacity, professional pride, technical knowledge, personal commitment, dedication, solidarity.

I feel very proud of them all. It is a privilege to work with every one of them.


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