

World Blood Donor Day will be celebrated on 14th June, as it is every year. This date pays tribute to those unpaid voluntary donors who save lives through their actions, whilst also raising awareness of the need to increase the availability of blood and blood products.


Blood accounts for 1/13 of the human body’s total weight. 55% is a liquid named plasma, which has different cells in suspension: red blood cells (43%), white blood cells and platelets (2%). In other words, 55% of blood is liquid and 45% is formed of solid components. A very important part of it is also formed of gas (oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc.)


Blood donations are sent to a Transfusion Centre to be analysed, and some undergo a process called ‘fractionation’, which divides each blood unit into three components: red blood cells, platelets and plasma, each of which has a different medical use.


Analiza’s responsibilities include transfusion services at different hospital laboratories.


By writing these lines, we would like to thank those altruistic individuals who donate blood, and we hope to help to raise awareness of the importance for emergency and hospital medicine of having access to sufficient transfusion units.

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