
ADR-AC 2024 event “Explore What’s New in Drug Hypersensitivity” announced, to be held on May 2, 2024 in Bern

We are excited to announce  ADR-AC 2024, scheduled for 2nd May 2024 in Bern. This event will highlight the latest trends in medicine and medical research. The meeting will examine crucial topics such as Drug Hypersensitivity and Chronic Urticaria, and will present innovations in Laboratory Research, with a special focus on Cellular Immunology. Health professionals, researchers and enthusiasts will find valuable information.

A feature which will make the event even more accessible is that it is going to be live streamed to enable participants from around the world to access the lectures and debates wherever they are. Keep an eye out for more updates, which will include the full programme, keynote speakers and registration details. Get ready to join us in Bern on 2nd May 2024 for a day full of learning and avant-garde medical discoveries.


Autor  Matteo Prezzi | General Manager ADR-AC

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