
This test is ordered to diagnose the urine infection and to prescribe appropriate antibiotic treatment.


This test is ordered to diagnose the urine infection and to prescribe appropriate antibiotic treatment.


This procedure consists of the collection of urine in the first hour of the morning for urine culture.


For this test you will need a sterile 100ml wide-mouth, airtight container, or in the case of infants, a sterile urine bag (buy more than one), both of which are available from pharmacies.


On the day of the test, as soon as you get up, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water:


  • For women:

Separating the labia majora and labia minora, wash the entire genital and perineal area with a soapy gauze pad. Washing should be done from front to back. Rinse with plenty of water to remove soap residue. Dry the washed area with sterile gauze in the same direction as the washing.


  • For men:

Retract the foreskin completely and clean the glans with neutral soap. Rinse with plenty of water to remove soap residue.

Urinate a small amount, first stream, into the toilet bowl, stop urinating and continue urinating directly into the container until it is half full, close the bottle so that the lid is tight and airtight.


  • For babies:

Wash genitals thoroughly and rinse, following the same guidelines as above.

Attach the pouch and remove it as soon as the baby urinates.


If it does not urinate within 30 minutes, remove the bag, rinse the genital area with warm water, dry and replace the bag to prevent contamination of the urine.


Keep the urine refrigerated until you deliver it to the laboratory. Ensure that no more than 2 hours elapse from urine release to delivery.

Tiempo de respuesta o Resultado: 

5 days

Info adicional: 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Analiza by email at [email protected] or by telephone on 902 67 64 57 or 914 297 541