
The HLA La Vega laboratory as a driver of Colon Cancer Prevention

The 31st of March is the day on which awareness is raised across the world about all people who have been affected by Colon Cancer in some way.


The Colon Cancer prevention campaign, in which the Analiza laboratory in Murcia has participated, focused on all patients aged between 50 and 60 years, was a success and received coverage in the local press La opinión de Murcia’





This month analizA has started the colon prevention campaign with the medical societies in all the autonomous communities in a staggered manner, however, analizA recommends going for a preventive clinical analysis periodically as an individual. This analysis requires the collection of a stool sample, and does not require an appointment or a medical referral.



If you would like more information about these tests, please contact us at [email protected]

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