analiza ecografia

Granada Diagnostic Centre introduces 5D ultrasound scanning

This 5D scanning technology represents a major improvement in the capturing of images during pregnancy and gestation, going beyond even what 4D technology is capable of.

Seeing your child’s face is the dream of every mother and father as soon as they know they are expecting a baby. Until now, it was very difficult to fulfil this dream, but Granada Diagnostic Centre, a company of the Analiza Group that manages the diagnostic imaging division, has just inaugurated its 5D ultrasound scanner, making the fulfilment of this dream much easier and more accessible.

Technology in medicine is something that changes at a staggering rate, and Granada Diagnostic Centre realises that keeping up to date is essential in order to provide their patients with the best treatment. That is why they have installed an ultrasound scanner with 5D technology at the clinic’s facilities at Calle Natalio Rivas 5 in Granada. 



The impatience that future parents feel to see the first images of their children is perfectly understandable, so the Granada Diagnostic Centre aims to explain what this technology consists of and why it is a qualitative improvement.

5D ultrasound technology, as its name suggests, is based on ultrasound. This device is capable of capturing three-dimensional moving images in real time of the baby inside the mother’s womb. The main difference between a 5D ultrasound scanner and a previous generation 4D ultrasound scanner is that the newer generation provides clearer, higher resolution images.

Images of babies obtained with 5D technology provide a much more realistic appearance of both the face and body, as they display shadow tones with a higher level of accuracy.

These are the main advantages and features of this scan:

  • It provides early, realistic images of the future baby’s appearance.
  • It enables very precise and realistic images of the future baby’s face to be obtained, and the scan can be repeated in the event of detecting any type of anomaly.
  • This scan is recommended from week 24 to week 29.



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