
End of the healthy emergency

With the Council of Ministers’ new resolution which comes into force on the date of its publication in Spain’s Official Gazette (the BOE), “the situation returns to what it was before the crisis was decreed, before 2020”, according to the Health Minister, José Miñones, who has indicated that the recommended use of masks in ICUs, emergency departments, shared wards in hospitals and certain contexts will be reinforced.


“This is the end of an episode caused by the pandemic which has wreaked havoc throughout the world. We have emerged stronger from the health crisis and more than three years later, while still on our guard, we can say goodbye to the pandemic that has marked our lives”, he said.


From the start of the pandemic, analizA, like the entire health sector, made our workforce, resources and energies available for all citizens to treat as many cases as possible and help overcome the COVID-19 crisis.


From now on, analizA professionals will continue to play a significant role in reducing the transmission of respiratory infections.


We will maintain this culture of responsibility acquired in recent years and continue to use masks and other hygiene measures in certain contexts and situations, focusing always on preserving the health of our patients.


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