
analizA Seminar on new paradigms in microbiological diagnosis

Continuing with its vocation to disseminate information, Analiza is organising the scientific seminar, “New Paradigms in Microbiological Diagnosis”, which will take place on 23 March at 7 p.m. in the assembly hall of the Puerta del Sur Hospital in Jerez.


The session will be presented by Dr Antonio Amaya, medical director of the Puerta del Sur Hospital and will be moderated by Dr Antonio Ballesta, medical director of Analiza.




MALDI Biotyper bacterial identification systems. The fast and reliable solution.

Mr Francesc Márquez

Applications Manager of Bruker MID Spain.


Microbial resistance detection systems. CMI.

Ms Carmen Gonzalez Pizarro

Area manager of Beckman-Coulter Diagnostics Microbiology.


Clinical and diagnostic usefulness of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and new developments in the automated detection of antimicrobial susceptibility.

Dr Manuel A. Rodríguez-Iglesias.

Head of the Microbiology Department. CHU Puerta del MAr/San Carlos.

Professor of Microbiology. Faculty of Medicine. University of Cadiz.





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