
Analiza manages the laboratory of Denia Public Hospital

As of October 1, 2017, ANALIZA is responsible for the management of the Clinical Analysis Laboratory and the Pathological Anatomy Laboratory of the Hospital Marina Salud in Denia.

The Hospital, recently built, acts as a reference center of the Marina Alta. Strategically located, between Valencia and Alicante, it provides care to a population of about 130,000 inhabitants and has a broad portfolio of services: 211 single rooms, 14 ICU beds, 15 operating rooms, 10 delivery rooms, 15 radiology rooms, 76 outpatient consultations and 25 haemodialysis stations, among others.

The laboratory is equipped with the most modern technology and includes the departments of haematology and haemostasis, biochemistry, immunology, molecular biology, microbiology, pathological anatomy and hemotransfusion service.

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