analiza universidad

The Alfonso X el Sabio University, together with its Foundation and Analiza, will collaborate in the field of scientific and technological training and research

The agreement, among other things, aims to promote joint research, development and technological innovation in the field of sciences and technologies of common interest.


The Alfonso X El Sabio University (UAX), together with its Foundation (FUAX), and Analiza, Sociedad de Diagnóstico, S.L., have signed a framework collaboration agreement under which they will collaborate in training and research in the field of science and technology.

The agreement was ratified by the President of UAX and the FUAX Board of Trustees, Jesús Núñez Velázquez, together with the Rector of the University, Isabel Fernández, and Nuria Martín Gil, CEO of Analiza, one of the leading providers of diagnostic tests in the sector.


In the picture (from left to right), José Antonio Arias Navalón, Dean of Medicine; María Rosario Baquero Artigao, Dean of Health Sciences; Nuria Martín Gil, CEO of Analiza; and David Martín Ruiz, Head of Vocational Training at UAX.


Among the various actions planned, the agreement includes the promotion of joint research, development and technological innovation in the field of sciences and technologies of common interest. It will also enable the University to benefit from the participation of qualified professionals from Analiza in the teaching of postgraduate programmes, and there will be cooperation in the direction of end-of-degree projects and/or doctoral theses, with the aim of promoting the role of the Health Sciences professional.


This alliance will also promote external academic internships for students in the health area at Analiza’s facilities, as well as collaboration in conducting studies, research and technical work on aspects of common interest related to the field of health. In turn, it will enable the University to benefit from the participation of Analiza’s diagnostic centres in the organisation of the scientific content of conferences, courses and seminars, as well as their advice on the content of research programmes for higher education degrees related to the field of activity of common interest.


The agreement also aims to enable the creation of working groups, made up of professors and students, to conduct research projects, as well as the participation of UAX teaching and research staff in teaching and/or research projects in which Analiza is involved.


Scholarships for UAX graduates

As a result of this alliance, FUAX will be able to post UAX graduates in Analiza’s facilities to carry out academically directed internships, as specified in an individualised scholarship programme for each student.

Dr. José Antonio Arias Navalón, Dean of Medicine at UAX, stresses that this agreement “will allow our Medicine and Biomedicine students to learn first-hand about specialised fields such as pathological anatomy, genetics, molecular biology or diagnostic imaging, which are key areas in Analiza’s diagnostic centres. This undoubtedly provides an excellent opportunity for the healthcare professionals of the future to acquire the best possible skills for their future employment”. He also highlights the importance of this collaboration in terms of “research and innovation”


Meanwhile, Nuria Martín Gil, CEO of Analiza, points out that “entering into this agreement with the Alfonso X el Sabio University, a leading educational institution in Spain, means taking a firm step forward in our commitment to teaching, research and the dissemination of scientific knowledge. Analiza, as a growing company, in less than 10 years has recruited more than 700 professionals in the healthcare area in the fields of clinical analysis, pathological anatomy and diagnostic imaging, in which technological renewal and innovation has been an ongoing process. This opportunity will be of great benefit both for our professionals and for the University’s students, who will be able to put their knowledge into practice and achieve a high degree of specialisation in order to promote everything scientific knowledge can contribute to diagnosis and healthcare in Spain”.

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