
What is food sensitivity?

If you have any of these symptoms, you may have a food sensitivity problem.

Food sensitivity or delayed allergy to food is a pathological immune response included in the so-called hypersensitivity reactions type II and III, mediated by the massive formation of immunocomplex Ag- IgG. The precipitation of these at the vascular level leads to the activation of the complement system and, consequently, to the initiation of an inflammatory process responsible for collateral damage in tissues close to the immunological reaction.

The most typical food antigens are low molecular weight glycoproteins capable of generating a heterogeneous immune response in which IgA production predominates. Even under normal conditions, small amounts of food macromolecules are absorbed and neutralized by circulating immunoglobulins, forming immunocomplexes containing IgA and IgG that clarify rapidly without causing any pathology.

Numerous studies relate certain foods to hypersensitivity reactions mediated by IgG immunoglobulins. The continuous ingestion of these foods to which one is sensitive, causes a constant presence of specific antibodies in the circulatory torrent, which are responsible for initiating tissue alterations and trigger the symptoms of food intolerance.

Today, by means of a blood analysis it is easy to detect which foods produce this pathology. Analiza has the latest analysis to assess food sensitivity. We study the response to up to 200 different foods, examining each in duplicate with the latest microarray technology.

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