
DMS Burnier Participates in Beach Tennis Event

The DMS Burnier laboratory, part of the Analiza Group in Brazil, was once again on the sports scene, actively participating in a Beach Tennis event. The company, known for its advances in health and medical research, is now supporting the promotion of active and healthy lifestyles through sports.


At the recent event the DMS Burnier team demonstrated its commitment to health and wellness by getting involved in Beach Tennis. This sport, which combines skill, fun and physical exercise, is aligned with the company’s philosophy of promoting practices that contribute to healthy lives.


DMS Burnier’s participation in the event showcases not only its role in scientific innovation, but also the importance of integrating physical and sports activities into the promotion of health. The company continues to be a leader not only in the field of medicine, but also as a supporter of initiatives that promote community well-being.


The DMS Burnier team welcomes the opportunity to actively participate in sporting events that encourage active and healthy lifestyles, reaffirming their ongoing commitment to public health.

DMS Burnier no Torneio CAV (Clube Atlético Valinhense) de Beach Tennis | DMS Burnier


Autor Andre Napoli | Dept. Personas y Cultura Analiza

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